Optimization | Portfolio Analysis
Make the most out of your investments by fine-tuning your approach.
Get Started or Manage Your Investment Account
If you have questions while completing the document, please contact Shareholder Services at 888.345.1898.
When completing a paper application using one of the fillable PDFs, please check your internet browser. Fillable fields are supported in Google Chrome. You may need to first download the PDF form if using Safari, Internet Explorer, or Firefox.
Please select from the following options to open an account or initiate actions regarding your existing account.
Open Account Online
You can open an account online for the following types:
UGMA & UTMAIndividual Account
Joint Account
Roth IRA Traditional IRA
Open Account on Paper
Click to download the new account application to open an account on paper.
Employer or Sponsor must set a plan.
IRS Establishing a SEP Instructions
The IRA Transfer/Conversion Request Form must be completed for rollovers from another eligible IRA.
You may place your order through financial intermediary authorized to take orders for a fund. Financial intermediaries include broker-dealers, banks, insurance company separate accounts, investment advisors and administrators or trustees of IRA recognized tax-deferred savings plan (Financial Intermediaries), such as 401(k) retirement plan.
If you have any questions, please call 888.345.1898.
Commonwealth Funds offers a streamlined approach for investors to set up an account. Using the online platform, you can determine what account you would like to set up and begin the application. After your account is created, you will have access to the online portal to manage your account, view fund information, review e-docs, and much more.
After you select a type of account, here is what you need:
- Account owner name
- Registration address
- Social Security Number
- Date of birth
- Email address
- Bank account information
- Beneficiary information (for retirement accounts)
Click to download the disclosures.